Sunday, September 29, 2013

Around the Farm

I'm behind on the blog. There's just too much going on around here.

The new goat, Betty Buttercup, is settling in nicely. She is learning the milking routine around here pretty quickly. I'm glad I got her.

Onyx is drying up a bit which is frustrating since I still have her doelings and she's still not weaned them! I have a deposit on them and the buyer is still out of state. I don't know what to do at this point.

Phoebe was bred today. If it takes it would make her due date February 29. It was too funny to watch Abe on his tippy tippy toes. Little girl Fawn thought she wanted in on the action.

The pigs are growing like, well, pigs. We had some rain this week and their pen was really muddy. I gave them  a bed of saw dust in one corner. They love it. Happy pigs grow better than unhappy pigs, right?

I shot a video of them having a good romp yesterday. Hubby thinks they burn too many calories when they play like this!

Yesterday before the football game (Go Dawgs), Mom and I got the garden ready for the fall seedlings and planted carrot, lettuce, and beet seeds. I hope I have better luck with lettuce this fall than I did last spring.

As I was working the soil I came across several of these nasty flat worms. I looked them up and found out that they are predatory flatworms. They eat earthworms. Great, just great. Here's more info on them.

I've been working on different flavors of chevre. So far I've made strawberry, peach, cranberry-pecan, honey-lavender, vanilla, dill, herbs de Provence, and Sicilian herb. The peach has been the favorite so far. I am really going to have to do the farmer's market next spring to sell this stuff. It's going to be hard with Little League, but I need to find a way to make it work.


  1. Don't feel badly. I too have been away from cyberspace lately because I have been consumed by the farm here. Sometimes, everything else just takes a backseat to farm things, and Fall is one of those times of year when there is a great deal to do in terms of immunizations, wormings, and for us, the vet coming for horse teeth floating. It's time for the farrier again too ! Hope things there are going smoothly. The chevre looks wonderful !

  2. Kristin, I thought that thing was a snake. I can't even look at it. Scared me to death! And you have these all over your garden? I would have to move.

    You are making so many different kinds of cheese. They all look so good too. You really do need to come up with a way to sell them. Have you been to any local restaurants to see if they would buy any?

    I have wanted to get my licence to sell goat milk too, but seem to keep putting it off. I am going to in Jan, And I want a few more does then.

    Your garden sounds amazing, with all your veggies. It's been really warm here too. So I have to water now.

    1. I've seen a few of those nasty things. I don't want them all over the garden. I love my earthworms!

      I really need to sell these cheeses and milk. I really think I need to suck it up and get the license this fall even though it's just for a couple of months. I'll have to do the farmers market in the spring even though I don't know how that will work out with little league. Have a great day!
