Monday, June 2, 2014

Silver Linings

God has a bigger plan for us. The last couple of weeks have been so rough, I was starting to question whether He was trying to tell me that I needed to quit doing this. I've been praying about it constantly.

Last Wednesday, the Auburn University Dairy Group came out to the farm. I was nervous and excited at the same time and honestly felt like I was about to get a colonoscopy.

They brought 2 vets and 6 students. It was such an amazing experience! All the goats got a thorough exam and they thought all my animals seemed really healthy. They took milk samples from all my does- I'll get results this week. The May DHI results came in last week and everything looks good there too.

They ran diagnostics on all my equipment and it's all in good working order. In fact, everything looked so good they asked if I would be willing to host the "Small Ruminants" class every winter as part of their curriculum! Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that my little farm would be part of the curriculum of a large university!

It was reaffirming to hear that I'm doing things right and it goes to show that God has bigger plans for us than we can imagine.


  1. That is exciting :)

  2. YEAH!!!! How impressive! You are doing an awesome job :)))

  3. kristin, the work you do is a gift to all those who come into your fold. thank you for so kindly sharing the many beautiful things that are made from the days that feel like more than you can bear; your toil feeds more than just your family. you inspire, nurture and teach in a way that will ripple into lives farther afield than you can imagine. i am so grateful to know you and to have begun to learn from you.

    1. Angie, thank you for your beautiful words. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you and Mark on Saturday. This work has brought so many amazing people into my life. My cup runneth over.
